Tash Hair Curlers. Feel fantastic every day!

Selfies have become a widely accepted form of expression. Whether it’s you in your graduation dress or a Vogue-worthy self-portrait, a good selfie can work wonders for your self-esteem. But on the flip side, the promotion of unrealistic beauty standards online has caused a severe mental health crisis among the younger generation. So in the era of social media, where superficiality is becoming a norm, we wanted to dig a little deeper and remind our viewers that they are #fantashtic just the way they are.
To do just that, NEM planned a social media contest with popular TV actress and influencer Farnaz Shetty, where we asked our community of #fantashtics to take a selfie, post it with a caption describing one thing that makes them feel good about themselves, and tag Tash Hair’s official page along with the hashtag #FeelFantashtic. Five lucky winners would receive a 15% discount on the Tash hair curler at the end of the contest. The collaboration with Farnaz, who has over 3.8 lakh followers on Instagram, helped us broaden our reach exponentially.
The campaign helped Tash connect with its online audience on a personal level and helped build positive recall for the brand. The contest brought out a delightfully enthusiastic side of our followers who engaged with us on a level we had not expected.
The account reach for Tash Hair’s official Instagram went up by 189%, gathered 87,722 views on the video, and saw an engagement rate of 8.74% on our posts.